
Safety   Consistency  Superior Vaccine Uptake

Product Sheet  |  Safety Information


Coccidiosis Control in a Gel Droplet 

Immucox® 5 is designed to help healthy chicken breeders, egg layers and long living broilers, to develop immunity against coccidiosis. This single day-old vaccination delivers protective immunity through the productive life of the bird and is approved for administration at the hatchery or barn.

Immucox® 5 is a Live oral coccidiosis vaccine that contains sporulated oocysts of:

  • Eimeria acervulina

  • Eimeria maxima

  • Eimeria tenella

  • Eimeria necatrix

  • Eimeria brunetti


IMMUCOX®5 is designed to induce strong protective immunity with minimal intestinal damage.

This is achieved by having an ideal number of full-cycle Eimeria oocysts in the vaccine. The ingestion of a low amount of full-cycle oocysts efficiently triggers the immune response.

  • Ideal oocyst number: minimal intestinal damage resulting in no detrimental effect on performance

  • Full-cycle Eimeria species: development of early strong immunity to cocci


Efficacy Studies: Lesion Score Results (5 days post-challenge)

Birds were vaccinated in the hatchery with IMMUCOX®5 and challenged 4 weeks after vaccination. IMMUCOX®5 significantly reduced the lesions after the challenge with E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. tenella, E. necatrix and E. brunetti when compared to no…

Birds were vaccinated in the hatchery with IMMUCOX®5 and challenged 4 weeks after vaccination. IMMUCOX®5 significantly reduced the lesions after the challenge with E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. tenella, E. necatrix and E. brunetti when compared to non-vaccinated birds.

Cocci Life-Cycle


IMMUCOX®5 is designed to maximize consistency in viability and infectivity over the product’s shelf life making it SAFE and CONSISTENT.

The viability and infectivity of a coccidiosis vaccine can be affected by the concentration of amylopectin in the parasite. Amylopectin is used by the parasite as a source of energy to survive and to access, invade and develop in their host cells.1 The vaccine storage time and storage conditions affect the amylopectin concentration and vaccine parasite replication. IMMUCOX®5 is designed to ensure minimal variation in viability and infectivity during its shelf life, due to a combination of a low amount of oocysts and highly viable oocysts.


The CevaGel formulation and Patented delivery system ensure a high rate of vaccine uptake and uniform oocyst distribution.

IMMUCOX®5 is applied to chicks using Desvac In-line Duo Spray & Gel and CevaGel technology. The system is audited on a regular basis by the vaccination, service and equipment team with the CHICK program.

High Oocyst Dose Vaccine In Water Spray Dosages (2)


Low Oocyst Dose Vaccine* In Gel Spray Dosages (2)


Number of oocysts present per dose, according to the sample collection point during vaccine application.


Gel Spray: No decline in oocyst from working stock to chicks.

Water Spray: 50% of the oocyst is lost during the spray process from working stock and chicks.

1. Nakai, Y. and Ogimoto, K. 1987

2. Adapted from: Tensa; L.R. & Jordan, B.J. 2018, Comparison of the application parameters of coccidia vaccines by gel and spray, Poultry Science 0:1-8
